Strengthen your pipeline with Marketo Engage Sales Insight

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

The direction of innovation for Sales Insight has always been bridging the gap between Marketing and Sales - creating strong pipelines so that leads are not dropped as they move through the funnel and providing the right leads to your sellers.


Marketo Sales Insight helps sales and marketing teams’ partner to drive more pipeline faster by arming teams to:

  1. Gain deeper insight into buyer behavior, enabling teams to engage in more personalized conversation that close deals
  2. Drive sales efficiency by providing sales reps a real-time dashboard of customer insights, prioritized by quality and urgency, allowing sales reps to focus engagement activities on the hottest leads.
  3. Sales reps can easily engage customers with personalized and trackable emails, while leveraging the power of marketing campaigns to further nurture leads as needed. 

Sales and marketing teams have unique needs and approaches, which should complement one another. Come check out some of our latest updates to Sales Insights in Salesforce CRM.





Enable your Account Executives with a single click!

Our Insights dashboard offers a peek into the past and glance into the future by showing a 90-day contact timeline where sellers can layer in account level information without switching screens.

  • The smart grid on the left shows surging interest on a contact level
  • The detailed list view offers insight in campaigns or content that resonates with your leads
  • Keep sales reps in the know by sharing upcoming marketing campaigns through an integrated calendar.
  • Seller can also see marketing events planned for their prospects in the next 90 days along with event invitation status

Now that your AEs have more context on who from an account is engaging with their content, they can navigate to Sales Insight panel on account layout and send out group emails or campaigns to them. Better yet, if they are focused on a specific opportunity – they email contacts from the opportunity tab as well.




While it's great to keep track of individual accounts or opportunities, there might be leads who are yet to be assigned to your account executive but are ready to move further along the pipeline. Fear not, we’ve got you covered.


We now offer account level best bets. Account executives can now look at best bets for prospective leads that belong to their account while SDRs are still nurturing them. Account-level best bets allow sellers to look at the engagement score of contacts that are a part of their account early in the sales cycle. 


These Best Bets helps sales reps answer the right person question.  In other words, which leads should I spend my time on?



If AEs spot a contact that they’d like to engage with, they can simply select one or more contact and reach out to them via emails, add them to a campaign, or simply keep track of them by adding them to their watch list.


Did you know that Sales Insight has out of the box integration with Dynamic Chat? With simple click, you can enable your sales teams with chat activities within all Sales Insight panels as well as the Marketo Global tab.

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Awesome! Now that you’ve enabled your sales teams with the right context, are you ready to up level to enabling them with the right actions? Check out Sales Insight Actions for more information!


Don’t see the features mentioned in this blog post on your Sales Insight package? Try upgrading to the latest version of Sales Insight package.

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