7 Easy Steps to Sending a Marketo Sales Insight Email: Template or No Template

Not applicable

Your sales team is ready to send emails to their customers and want to take advantage of Marketo Sales Insight (MSI). By utilizing MSI, your sales team can send an email that is free form, without a template, or use a marketing email template. Either option can enhance your sales team's ability to communicate efficiently with their customers.

For quick reads before you begin, the article on the community about installing MSI and sending an email and publishing emails to MSI.

1. Log into Salesforce/CRM and click on the Tab labeled Leads

2. In the Recent Leads view, select All Open Leads and click Go!

3. Once the records appear:

  1. If sending to multiple records, multi-select leads by checking the box next to each. Then select Send Marketo Email. You can send up to 200 emailssending MSI emails to multiple leads. 
  2. If choosing one lead, you can: check the box next to it and then select Send Marketo Email. Or double click on the lead, scroll down to the MSI window pane, there is a Drop Down menu labeled Actions. Select Send Marketo Email and Click Go!

4. From there you can select a template from the drop down menu for Templates. When choosing a template, you can update the editable areas, but it is not recommended

5. If you'd rather write a free form message, select the Blank Template or No Template then add your message immediately

6. Add a personalized subject line to either the email using a template or no template

7. Lastly, you can Send Test to yourself or fire away! Send with Marketo to the record(s)

It's simple to choose one lead or many to send a templated or non-templated email through MSI. Let us know your experiences with MSI and how your sales team is utilizing the application to connect with your customers!

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