Creating a Datetime Field vs a Date Field

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

If you need to create a date field to track something a datetime field you will have more token options to populate the field including the following options:


{{lead.Created At}}

{{lead.SFDC Created Date}}

{{lead.Acquisition Date}}

The datetime field type also keeps track of seconds. When you export the data change the format of the cell in excel to m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss

Pros and Cons of Using the Date vs Datetime field type:

Date Field

Datetime Field

Field value can’t be populated later using the Created At Date, Acquisition Date or SFDC Created Date tokens since they are Datetime fields.

Field value can be populated using the Created At, Acquisition or SFDC Created Date fields.

Easier to use in Excel then a datetime field.

More difficult to use in Excel then a date field since you may need to convert it to a date field.

Easy to use in an Analytics Lead Performance Report since records can be grouped by Week or Month.


Also easy to use in an Analytics Lead Performance Report since records can be grouped by Week or Month.


A little easier to use RCE since the time will not appear for each record.


A bit more difficult to use in RCE since the time will appear for each record.


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