A Cheat Sheet on What is Included or Excluded From RCA Reports

Not applicable

One frequent question we get asked is "why does RCA show X when this other place shows Y?" To understand this, you need to know what some of the rules are around what is included or excluded from the various types of reports, which is admittedly not obvious. You can work on your mind-reading skills or you can refer to this handy cheat-sheet:

Lead Analysis

  • This report only includes active leads. Any leads that were deleted or were the child record in a merge (for the rest of this post, referred to as merged leads) are not seen in this report.
  • This shows the current information (as of the last ETL, so generally within the last 24 hours).

Opportunity Analysis

  • This report includes active opportunities. Any deleted opportunities are not seen in this report. It is not necessary for an opportunity to have a contact associated to it to be visible here, regardless of the attribution mode you're using.
  • This report shows only active contacts. The definition of an active contact depends on the type of attribution you're currently using:
    • For Explicit Mode: An active contact is one where a contact is associated with the opportunity in CRM.
    • For Hybrid Mode: An active contact is one where a contact is associated with the opportunity in CRM. If there are no contacts associated to the opportunity, any contacts associated to the account that the opportunity is associated to are considered active contacts.
    • For Implicit Mode: An active contact is one associated to the account that the opportunity is associated to.
    • For all modes: Any leads that were deleted or were the child record in a merge are not seen in this report.

Model Performance Analysis (Leads)

  • All flow metrics do include metrics for deleted and merged leads, since they are counting transitions, not people.
  • All balance metrics show the number of people in a stage at a specific point in time.

Model Performance Analysis (Company)

  • Since this is done at the account level, if an account has one contact in MQL stage and one contact in SQL stage, the company will be seen in both stages.
  • All flow metrics refer to the count of unique accounts, based on account name.

Program Membership Analysis

  • Programs must not be operational to show up here.
  • Programs must have at least one member to show up here.

Program Cost Analysis

  • Programs must not be operational to show up here.
  • Programs must have at least one member to show up here.

Program Opportunity Analysis

  • Programs must not be operational to show up here.
  • For a program to qualify for FT attribution towards opportunity creation:
    • The lead must be acquired by the program before or on the opportunity creation date.
    • The lead must be associated to the opportunity.
  • For a program to qualify for FT attribution towards opportunity closed won:
    • The lead must be acquired by the program before or on the opportunity closed date.
    • The lead must be associated to the opportunity.
  • For a program to qualify for MT attribution towards opportunity creation:
    • The lead must reach success in the program before or on the opportunity creation date.
    • The lead must be associated to the opportunity.
  • For a program to qualify for MT attribution towards opportunity closed won:
    • The lead must reach success in the program before or on the opportunity closed date.
    • The lead must be associated to the opportunity.

Program Revenue Stage Analysis

  • Programs must not be operational to show up here.
  • You must have a revenue model active.
  • This will include any leads acquired by the program and in the revenue model.

Email Analysis

  • This includes emails sent out from Marketo (not most Sales Insight emails).
  • This does include activities for deleted and merged leads, but only up until the point of the ETL. Once the lead's deletion is passed over to RCA, future activities associated to that record are not included in the report.
Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Thanks for the clarification!

Marketo Employee

Great article Kristen. To help clarify FT and MT, FT attribution is the same as acquisition attribution and MT is success attribution. 

Not applicable

Great start on this Kristen. Would love if someone on the Marketo team could go deeper on RCA documentation. I can't tell you how many questions I get on data that needs research because it's not documented and "the numbers just don't make sense." . Just simple things like what does the conversion rate mean? ...the actual formula. Or documentation to talk about how to create a cohort funnel report (or what RCA's equivalent is of that). Happy to talk to anyone if further details are needed. Or some advanced thoughts on how to address conversions for leads that skip stages

Level 5

Awesome info Kristen. Thanks

Level 1

Completely agree with this. This post was referenced in a support ticket for us and does not really address how the "black box" behind many of these metrics and reports work. Although we would like more control over the calculations, right now we don't know what the calculations are...that is not acceptable.

Can't someone from @Marketo support or product team provide this information in a reasonable amount of detail?