Mercatus is looking for a Director of Marketing & Product Marketing Specialist in San Jose, CA

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Mercatus is looking for a Director of Marketing & Product Marketing Specialist in San Jose, CA

Director of Marketing
The Director/Manager of Marketing will create, implement, and oversee marketing and lead generation programs that effectively communicate and promote the company's vision and products. The position will effectively communicate to target audiences using all marketing methods, such as website, email marketing, direct mail, webinar, conferences, social media platforms, press and more. In addition, the position is responsible for working with product
management to create collateral and sales materials to support direct sales efforts, as well as new product/service offerings and launches.
Based in Silicon  Valley, Mercatus, Inc. was founded in 2009 with the purpose of bringing business process efficiency to the energy finance market. Today, Mercatus has the leading enterprise level investment analysis and decision making platform serving as the core “operating system” for solar energy investors. The Company provides a comprehensive solution that drives deal velocity and quality while reducing financing project costs.

Marketing Specialist
The Marketing Specialist will create, implement, and oversee marketing, branding and lead generation programs that effectively communicate and promote the company's vision and services via the  website, mail marketing campaigns, direct mail campaigns, webinars, conferences, and social media platforms. In addition, the position is responsible for creating collateral and sales materials to support direct sales efforts, as well as new product/service offerings launches.
Based in Silicon  Valley, Mercatus, Inc. was founded in 2009 with the purpose of bringing business process efficiency to the energy finance market. Today, Mercatus has the leading enterprise level investment analysis and decision making platform serving as the core “operating system” for solar energy investors. The Company provides a comprehensive solution that drives deal velocity and quality while reducing financing project costs.
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