Support for mobile-enabled landing pages

Support for mobile-enabled landing pages

We really need Marketo to provide better functionality with regards to mobile-enabled landing pages. A series of mobile-sized landing page wireframe templates would be a good starting point.

So many of our prospective customers are accessing our sites via smart phones, and with Facebook's forthcoming mobile ad platform soon to go mainstream, 'mobile-sized landing pages' seems to be a big missing piece in the Marketo jigsaw.

What are Marketo's plans in this area?
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+1: would love a quick variable check to determine page template.
Level 1
If anyone in the digital marketing space wants to remain relevant in the next 2-3 years, mobile has to be at the core of everything you're doing.
Marketo, we need this.
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Mobile is on our roadmap for 2013.  We discussed this at our User Summit and the first thing we are tackling is mobile friendly landing pages and emails.  We don't know exactly when yet, but it will be in the later part of the second half of the year.
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Mobile is on our roadmap for 2013.  We discussed this at our User Summit and the first thing we are tackling is mobile friendly landing pages and emails.  We don't know exactly when yet, but it will be in the later part of the second half of the year.
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Mobile is on our roadmap for 2013.  We discussed this at our User Summit and the first thing we are tackling is mobile friendly landing pages and emails.  We don't know exactly when yet, but it will be in the later part of the second half of the year.
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Totally agree. Marketing Sherpa talks about this non stop as the new requirement for inbound optimization.
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Any update on the ETA for this? We would love to get mobile on our roadmap 🙂
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@Uriah, the example you listed on has several issues, so I hope this example is not indicative of how Marketo plans to implement mobile support.

When you add support for mobile landing pages, please make sure you support the common field types (e.g., email address, phone number, etc.) so that the keyboard changes appropriately to make data entry easier. For example, when you tap in an email address field, the default should be lowercase text, and the keyboard should change so that the @ sign, period and slash are available on the default screen.

And don't fill in sample text in the field (e.g., first name, email address) unless you remove that sample text as soon as the user clicks/taps in the field. Otherwise, the user has to manually clear out the text field. Not fun on a desktop, but awful on a handset!

And of course full support for media queries and responsive design is critical. We tried to implement responsive layouts earlier in the year, but quickly abandoned that effort due to the issues we encountered. We have built separate mobile landing pages for critical campaigns, but that's not scalable long term--we have to duplicate the landing page, thank you page, form, etc. for each and every asset. Our team manages hundreds of assets at a time.

Please read the Mobile First and Responsive Web Design books from A Book Apart:

They give some great guidelines for how to effectively support mobile.
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I see many comments about mobile responsive landing pages, but what about emails? Is there support planned for this as well?
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We have a number of responsive email templates that are ready for download on  Please check it out!