Subscribe to Smart Lists

Subscribe to Smart Lists

Feature Request:  Subscribe to a Smart List in the same way we can subscribe to reports, receiving the report via email every night.

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I agree with all the others saying this is a "need to have" not a "nice to have" or "want to have".

This functionality is criticial, and I hope that Marketo will take the initiative to bump up the priority for this project.

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I'm astonished it isn't possible to subscribe to a smart list today.   It seems like basic funtionality, and clearly something Marketo customers are heavily requesting (over 3 years). 

From a Marketo perspective is the concern that 10,000's of reports occuring every day...will tax the current infrastructure?     
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Marketo - can you confirm whether you are working on this feature, and likely release date if so? Not having it is a major drawback for the way we need to use Marketo.
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@ Rob - we are not currently working on this feature for 2013.  At this time, I can't give a likely release date but we are discussing this in our roadmap planning for 1H 2014.
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@Patrick - yes, we are concerned about performance and we will limit the number of smart list subscriptions that can be created.   
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If this feature is not coming in 2013, what is our next best alternative? I've been able to apply report filters to get the desired list of leads, but limits on report columns are restricting all the lead information I want to display.
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My team desperately needs this feature. I'd like to hear Marketo's suggestions on a workaround until the feature is implemented.
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Hi Amy - the only workaround is to export the smart list and send it to the people who need it.
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Hi Cheryl, Wouldn't manual exports (I guess everybody is doing this right now) create way higher server loads during office hours, compared to auto reports during the night when Marketo provides the subscribe to smart list function?
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We don't really have that concern.  We have a bigger concern around the performance and load all these subscriptions will create but we plan on limiting the number that can be running.