Speed Up Smart List Record Counts

Speed Up Smart List Record Counts

It takes WAAAAAY to much time to get a simple record count whenver you need to know how many records are in a Smart List. This happens from the "Run" screen or anywhere else you display a list record count. Record counts are a great sanity check before dropping or scheduling a campaign. They simply can't take this long.

This happens all the time (note: This has been spinning for over 5 minutes. There are only 592 records in this list.)


Try to display it in list view and you get this (and no, converting to a Cached list isn't any shade of helpful):

We need this to be MUCH, MUCH faster.

Not applicable
I have also seen this getting worse.  I thought it was because I'm in the UK and it seemed to be noticeably slower in our afternoon, i.e. worse after 1pm UK time when East Coast US comes online and much worse after 5pm (West Coast).  However, I'm told that our instance sits on a local server so that's not the case.  So if others are also having this issue I'd like to see some improvement to it!

I agree that the record count is the sanity check.  I took the risk of not waiting for the list to complete (similar to your example above) when I was rushing to go on holiday a couple of weeks ago and sent anyway - turns out I'd set up the smart list wrongly and it sent to about 140 people instead of 11,000 😞
Not applicable
YES! I have had smart list that I would have to start first thing in the morning because it took 4 hours to finish! I'm going to throw this out there because maybe it will light a fire but in Eloqua the longest it ever took to get a number was 5 mins, and that was only if the list was super complex. It's plain unacceptable to have to wait an hour to get the number of people in a list.
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