Sgementation for forms

Sgementation for forms

Now: Segmentation on landing pages allows you to load different forms per each segment. This does enable you to have completely different forms per segment.

Idea: If segmentation is within the form, like with snippets, would severaly cut down on the amount of forms. This will also make life easier when triggering on form fills (now select only one form, in stead of needing to select each segmented form). It also saves time when making changes to one form instead of having to do many forms.
Level 7
Yes, please!!! Maybe with Forms 2.0 that is coming out later this month. We can hope!
Not applicable
I don't believe that segmentation for forms is a forms 2.0 R1 feature. 

Diederik I don't really understand what it is you're trying to accomplish. I understand the goal to cut down on forms used, but I don't really know what the real purpose is. Can you explain further?
Not applicable
Unfortunately this is not part of Forms 2.0. It will still require that you do Segmentation the current way.
Not applicable
Hi Adam, as you know we're a global company and most of our campaigns are in 8 lanuages. We're actually adding 2 languages now. We use dynamic content based on landing pages on landing pages and emails and snippets. We also use tokens to populate all of these assets. This makes it easy to clone, and nobody actually has to edit any of the assets, but just the tokens (some exceptions there). What I don't like is that I need to have every form in the system 10 times. Whenever I want to add, remove, or edit a field I need to do this for 10 forms. It's hard to get a good overview. Also when you create triggers or choices, you constantly need to take in to account you need to select all 10 forms. That's why a solution like used for snippets would be greatly appricitated.
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Please search the Community for "localize" and you'll see a few solutions -- "How to localize a Marketo form" was one of the topics I covered at a recent MUG meeting.  Here's one of the Community threads: Re: How do I update the submit button and error message to reflect local language (i.e French)

If all you want is the button text to change, that's very easy, but you can do much more.

Level 5

we have forms in English, French and German.  Although some elements of the form can be localized, we still need a form for each language if we want to present labels and values in the local language.  Appreciate the "Maybe One Day" comment from Marketo and low number of points mean this idea isn't likely to go anywhere fast, but I hope as Marketo and its own customers grow into non-English markets this is re-considered one day.  A this year's (2018)  Summit, a lot was talked about simplifying and taking away unnecessary clicks - this would fall into this category.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

In this blog post I showed how a single form descriptor can be completely localized:

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas