Schedule ending of Smart Campaign

Schedule ending of Smart Campaign

Smart campaigns should have the option to schedule the termination date.

For companies running multiple recurring events, scheduling a termination date will allow them to set everything in advance of the event.  

WIthout this feature, marketers have to manually keep a list of things to do after the event, which is nice but not likely a regular practice by everyone.
Not applicable
They do.
For recurring batch campaigns, you schedule the end date along with the recurrence schedule.
For triggered campaigns, you can set a date of activity constraint on the trigger itself.
Not applicable
Interesting idea. Are your campaigns triggered or recurring (or both)?
Not applicable
My use case is I am scheduling weekly recurring webinars. I'd like to just use 1 form where leads can sign up for the next available webinar (I'd rather not do a drop-down field, since that would require just as much manual updating).

Each weekly webinar would have its own triggered campaign listening for "Fills Out Form" with "Date of Activity" as a constraint. Unfortunately, "date of activity" is only controllable to "day" and not "hour."

If I could schedule each triggered campaign to deactivate as each respective webinar ended, I would not have to go in and manually deactivate them every time. For now, I am going to have to schedule an alert to remind myself to deactivate them.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas