Prioritize Campaigns

Prioritize Campaigns

I'd love to have the ability to priortize certain campaigns over others. Even if there was a way to say here are X number of slots that you can designate ranking campaigns. I've got some triggered campaigns that are key to our lead flow for generating instant MQLs that can get stuck below things like preparing batches or other lower transactional triggers - would love to influence what runs first.

Perhaps even campaign classifications for the admin high, normal, low.

Just because some things cannot wait for a nightly batch...
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Clinton, I was struggling with this as well, especially around when a lead was created. I had a ton of triggered smart campaigns that fired randomly all at once. But some had to go first, so I built a logic for this. First these things happen, then it requests a campaign and these things happen, new campaign request, these things happen, etc.

Not what you're asking for, but my strategy for solving this same problem.
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As we've added more and more smart campaigns triggered by the same activities it's becoming increasingly more complex to ensure that certain smart campaigns are execurted before others.  We use a combination of Request Campaign and Wait flow actions to accomplish this, but a prioritization scheme may be a better solution.
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I'm having the same issues as others on this thread. In Eloqua, you can add a high priority setting for campaigns/processes to trigger first. I can't find this capability in Marketo.

I created a campaign with new lead processing steps (my top priority campaign) that I want  triggered first when the lead is created.  Other campaigns, triggered by lead creation, need the appended data from my top priority campaign to work properly.  Like Elliott, the best solution that I can determine, to ensure that these campaigns work as intended, is to add a 'wait' flow step to each campaign to stagger the firing of campaigns.

I would be interested in hearing how others are dealing with this issue.
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We really need this too. It's too complex to build in this logic, as suggested by Adam. The complexity should be taken care of on Marketo's back end.
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As an interim solution, it would be great if admins or superusers could override the priority level of smart campaigns. Currently Marketo assigns a priority level between 50 and 200 based on the flow steps in the campaign. It's easy to increase the priority level of campaigns by putting in a dummy flow step. (Add Change Program Status for 75 - Medium High or Send Email (blank) to force a 50 - High priority) However, there is no effective way to de-prioritize campaigns without inserting a wait step >= 5 minutes.

Often, I'm looking to de-prioritze campaigns vs increasing priority.

Ideally, there would be a special setting on the campaign with the following options:

Automatic (Default)

50 - High

75 – Medium High

100 - Medium

200 - Low

I realize that an inexperienced user could create processing issues. However, it would be very valuable to have a finer level of control over campaign priority.

Level 7

Hi Thomas,

This is very helpful. Do you have a link to the Marketo documentation that shows the mapping between flow steps and priority ranking? Thanks!

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Hey David Gaible​,

Shoot me an email ( and I'll send you the documentation that I put together for our (DemandGen) clients.

Best, Thomas

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas