Need ability to export A/B email program analytics

Need ability to export A/B email program analytics

The charts and dashboards of the new email program look really nice, but it would be really useful to be able to export the results from A/B tests to a spreadsheet. That way data from many campaigns can be brought together and analyzed together to find trends. Currently each campaign must be looked at individually and I'm unable to see a global perspective of all A/B tests conducted.

Also, I would like the option to be able to export not only the A/B campaign data, but data from the Winning final send campaign as well. Currently I can only look at the final send data in the dashboard charts. The data isn't available in the Email Performance Analytics tab. This is particularly important for my business as we don't have a CRM so email analytics takes a more important role in reporting metrics, and I'm sure other companies using Marketo without a CRM might be in a similar position. 
Not applicable
We are targeting our February release.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Under review