More flexible communication limit timing

More flexible communication limit timing

It would be great to have more flexibility around setting the number of days between sends for communication limits. We have been using an "email fatigue" field that is set and unset by a SmartCampaign - every time a contact receives an email, the flag is set, and after 5 days passes, the flag is unset. All email campaign smartlists check this flag before sending.

We have not transitioned to the new communication limits functionality because we want to keep that 5 day window. One email every 7 days is too long, but if we set it to 2 emails every 7 days, we might be sending emails 1, 2 or 3 days apart (which is not what we want). Ideally the functionality would say:
  • How many emails allowed per day? 1, 2, 3, 4, etc
  • How many days between emails? 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,etc

Not applicable
We've run into this too.  We like to think of our sends in terms of the calendar week - which isn't exactly the same as 7 days, e.g. send something Thursday, send something else Tuesday of the following week.  More flexibility here would be great.
Not applicable
I also would like to segment it the limits. Ability set set the limits for email template for example. Or per channel. This allows some flexibility in prioritization of different types of emails.
Not applicable
Agree!  We use "Not was Sent Email - Timeframe This Week M-F" in all of our smart lists.  The 7 day communication limit window is just too long, we only want people to receive 1 email from us per work week.
Not applicable

Yes please! This idea was from two years ago - any updates on it? Would love some flexibility here.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas