Merge Lead Tokens in Activity Sync

Merge Lead Tokens in Activity Sync

Marketo currently does not resolve lead tokens for an activity sync.

This is functionality that I would love to see. As you can see in the image below, we are unable to view which "from" address that emails were sent from. These activities are logged by our Marketo user in Salesforce (using the default Salesforce integration in the Marketo Admin).

Here is the feedback I heard from Marketo support on the subject:

Our SFDC Integration Product Manager confirmed that it has always been the case where we don't resolve the token for the activity sync.

If you have a SFDC developer, there is one possible workaround. You can create an APEX trigger such that when a task is created by a Marketo sync user, parse the task description and replace the token with values using the actual field values stored in SFDC.

Interesting moment as you know will also resolve the token.

Would love to see this resolved in future releases!

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Status changed to: Open Ideas