Lock Down Smart Lists


Lock Down Smart Lists

Administrators have the right to lock a smart list so the users cannot edit the filters.  Like creating your own System Smart Lists  or similar functionality when you share a smart list with another workspace and it creates the read only function (but with that one you can't use the asset).  We have a variety of smart lists that we NEVER want edited, and even go so far as to put "DO NOT EDIT/DELETE" in the naming convention, but through the general nature of people they always seem to get edited anyways.

I would think this would already be an idea somewhere, but I searched for a while and couldn't find it.
Not applicable
Great idea, I've had similiar issues with smart lists critical to workflows being edited. Some sort of lock feature would be fantastic.
Not applicable
I thought I'd posted a similar idea awhile back but can't seem to find it now. It seems like this would go a long way toward giving you some peace of mind for critical campaigns or smart lists.

The idea in more detail was to have a lock button on an asset (such as a campaign, smart list, 
etc), which would allow the user to type some comments about why they are locking the asset.  This would require the user to have a "Lock Asset" permission (which would be new). Only users with an "Unlock Asset" permission (which would also be new) would be allowed to unlock the asset, but only after reading the comments from the locking.

Another approach is to apply this at the folder level, similar to Archive Folders or "Sharing" for Workspaces. That might be more convenient if you tend to group them together.

Level 10

And the "possible duplicates" system smart list should be locked down by default.

The right to unlock, lock or edit locked Smart Lists should be set tjhrough a role

Finally, it should also be possible to lock down complete folders.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Not applicable

Why are the votes so low on this one??

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

My guess would be the way IDEAS don't function like DISCUSSIONS.  Any time someone comments on a discussion topic, it re-surfaces to the top of the list.  Ideas don't resurface unless the community/product team changes the status or adds their comments.  Notice how this idea isn't even listed on the main ideas page: Ideas   You'd have to either search for it or adjust your view on the left side (show latest activity).  I wish "show latest activity" was the default view.

Level 10
Not applicable

It is insane that this functionality doesn't exist. This is a must-have and no-brainer.

Level 10

Complementary to this one:


Not applicable

I would love to do this.  I would also love to lock people out of certain Operational Program Folders.