Issue: Reporting on lead numbers using the filter “LEAD WAS CREATED” is inaccurate as a result of duplicate lead records that have been merged
“LEAD WAS CREATED” filters the number of “new lead” activities in a lead record and when a known lead is merged, the end result will be a lead record with 2 new lead activities. Although a lead report will not count the activities twice if your time frame covers both new lead activities since leads will be grouped by the “Created At” date, they can still appear multiple times in a report if you are running the report for a specific time frame to determine trends (e.g. 1 year/1 month/1 week).
As a result, it is very difficult to measure how many new leads were actually created in a given timeframe because you cannot be sure how many of those might be duplicated merged records that were originally created much earlier.
Suggestion: Filter these out somehow. Maybe the “new lead” activity can be renamed to “merged lead” once the duplicate record is merged into the master lead record. This way, you do not have to worry about the double counting.