Lead limits for email programs same as smart campaigns

Lead limits for email programs same as smart campaigns

Right now only lead campaign limit overrides are allowed in actual smart campaigns,  the same setting should be available on the settings tab of an email program where that campaign is built in.

Level 1

Would love the extra layer in email deliverability settings!

Marketo Employee
Status changed to: Under review

Thank you for your idea. The Product Management team will evaluate your idea and may follow up with you for more details, if needed.

Level 4

Introduce the ability to set email send limits at the Email program level, allowing greater flexibility. This would enable users to manage limits specific to each program, without being restricted by the global settings.

Workarounds, such as disabling the limit globally or adjusting it for audiences below the limit, are not sufficient for users who require tailored control at the program level.

Similar to: https://nation.marketo.com/t5/ideas/email-program-volume-restrictions/idi-p/283105