Force a sync with SFDC

Force a sync with SFDC

Would be awesome if (like Eloqua), you could force a one time manual sync with SFDC for:
-pushing newly created SFDC campaigns from SFDC to Marketo for use in smart lists or flows
-pushing newly created fields in SFDC to be used in marketo

I don't need to do this often, but when i do need to wait, it seems that this should be an easy feature to add.

Not applicable

Isn't this what happens when you push the round green button with the rotating arrows at the bottom of any System Smart List?

I could be way off base - I'm a new user 🙂
Not applicable
HI Sarah,
I wish!  That button refreshes your data, all within Marketo. The same button is found on any smart list, and on many reports.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas