Filter Duplicates based on different fields

Filter Duplicates based on different fields

We serve small businesses (restaurnts). We consider each restaurant a lead or a client even if multiple restaurnts are owned by the same person. My "possible duplicates" list continues to identify restaurants with the same owner as duplicates but for us they are not. I wish I could say that both the email AND the company name had to match or the email AND the customer number (which we assign). With the existing options (name, email, etc.) It's impossible to make the system recognize different locations as unique records. 
Not applicable
Have you enabled Personalized URLs in Admin | Integration | Landing Pages?  When you do, some additional fields will be available (Marketo Unique Code and Marketo Unique Name) that may help you differentiate the lead records.
Not applicable
I haven't, I can look into that. This is a problem more with customer lists we import though. Ex. Existing customer opens a second location so we upload that customer into our Marketo database. Would imported lists be assigned a unique code or name?
Not applicable
All lead records in Marketo receive a unique code and name when this is enabled.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas