Export Approved Assets as PDFs

Export Approved Assets as PDFs

Once an email or landing page has been approved, provide the option to export a PDF "sample" of it. The PDF could be downloaded or emailed to someone as a way of allowing colleagues to view the marketing creative without impacting views or skewing tracking rates. 

I know you can send sample emails but in my experience, the images don't stay visible and some people still don't know how to allow graphic to appear to fully experience the design work.
Level 9 - Champion Alumni
Love this! We send out a brief to our reps with each campaign and quite often the emails associated with it do not look quite as polished when we attach them as they do when you actually receive them. It would be great to get them easily as a pdf to send to them! Really helps to enhance the sales-marketing relationship.
Not applicable
Honestly, I've been wanting this for a long time. I'm constantly asked by Sales and Managers if they can see emails that I send out...and there's no easy way for me to share it with them. Now I have an Outlook folder fill of Sample emails so I can just pull one whenever I need it, but it doesn't look that great.

I was using a batch an blast service (Vertical Response) before moving to Marketo, and they did have an "export to PDF" option that was really useful. If they can do it, I know Marketo can!

Not applicable
Yes, we need this for co hosted events as our partner firms need a PDF version of the invitation.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas