Custom Fields Tokens in Send Alert Flows

Custom Fields Tokens in Send Alert Flows

We do not have SalesForce and have a custom field for account manager email address. I'd like to be able to pull over that email address as a token when sending an alert. As it exists now, we can only send alerts to account owners or lead owners. We can set a bunch of conditions and manually type in the email address, but that just seems so inefficient...  

It would look something like this:

Level 5


Try what you have setup in your image, it will work :). We sneaked this in a while back.

Couple of things to note:

- Account Manager Email Field should be a field of Type Email
- Will only work for trigger campaigns, not batch.


Not applicable

Edit: Nevermind - it does, but only with triggered, as Jamie's comment mentions. That'll work for me!

Would love to see this support {{my.Tokens}} too. Doesn't appear to work with those currently.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas