Custom fields as constraints on SFDC Campaign triggers

Custom fields as constraints on SFDC Campaign triggers

Today, we have a very manual process of intiiating a 'Thank you Email' from Marketo for a series of related events. We use SF Campaigns to manage program membership and we have a flow in Marketo which has a trigger (Status if Changed in SFDC Campaign) with the campaign names (100+) and a filter (Member of SDFC Campaign) with the campaign names and the attendance status.

It would be more manageable to have one "master" trigger that would fire on any "Info Session" campaign (without having to maintain the list of actual campaigns). You would likely need to add a constraint on the trigger to limit it to campaigns of a certain type (e.g. Event Type = Info Session). While this "Event Type" field could be added to the campaign object in Salesforce, the current dilemma is that Marketo doesn't allow you to use custom fields as constraints on SFDC Campaign triggers. The only constraints it allows are campaign name, old status and new status.

Idea: Allow use of
Custom fields as constraints on SFDC Campaign triggers

Level 10

And filters as well.


Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas