Change Program Asset Order

Change Program Asset Order

I've noticed a lot of Marketo users (myself included) that use numerical values in their asset names to override the default alphabetical ordering. However, this breaks down once you get past single digits, and it's also precludes you from keeping clean campaign names, which I use in things like trigger tokens.

It'd be nice if you could just drag and drop folders and assets to reorder them.
Not applicable
I totally agree. In the meantime, you can use two-digit numbers to get around the single digit breakdown (i.e. 01, 02, 03...10, 11 etc.).
Not applicable
We've done as many as 4 numbers to help with the order - especially when things change rapidly so you can use intervals. 0010, 0020, 0030, etc.
Not applicable
Yeah, good points about the numbering. I've done that before as well, but I just hate how messy it makes the campaign names, especially since they already have the Program name prefix.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas