Activity log mass export

Activity log mass export

Mass exporting activity logs based on a smart list data, to better data mine and build processes along with improve existing processes to maximize the automation. It could be a report that can be exported that only has the activity logs and everything can be grouped by activity.
Not applicable
Agree with this! Easy export, please. Would be nice to do some datamining based on activity log, since you don't know what you don't know, or even how two or more things you don't know could lead to something great!
Not applicable
Export would be nice for some ad-hoc reporting. Due to the volume of activities it may be unmanageable for larger lists. I would suggest using the Marketo API and storing this information daily in a database that you can do more powerful data mining. Its been working out great for us. 
Level 6
A noble idea Chris and currently we use salesforce, but the log data is not accessable there except the last interesting moment. Additionally if you are looking at about 100-400 clients its a manageable amount of data especially when filters are properly applied.
Not applicable
Here is another related Idea:
Ability to download activity logs for multiple leads at once, instead of just individually (to save you many hours of tedious work)
Not applicable
Even the API can't do this well, as it requires one to download activity log data by making a call to an individual lead to get that lead's activity. The API limits you to 10,000 calls per day, so if you have 200,000 leads, you're going to have a bad time.
Level 6
So true Roberts. Also given that Marketo stated that they hold no backup over that data, there should be an easy way to export it.
Not applicable
We were able to replicate the complete activity log table for millions of Marketo records. We've been running it succesfully for about year so its certainly possible. The data is synced to our on premise data warehouse every 5 mins so we have near real-time access to the Marketo activity logs for every lead. The only issue we encoutered was with "change data value" activity type. There was just way too much volume for us to keep up with so we had to exclude this activity type from being replicated. Additionally a lot of data value changes are noise so most of it wasnt of value. In the end we were able to replicate all other activtity types including the entire lead database via the API.  
Not applicable
Now that's what I wanted to hear. Good news. Can't do sequence clustering on data that's not in a data mart or warehouse.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas