Ability to move lists, smart lists, and smart campaigns

Ability to move lists, smart lists, and smart campaigns

There is a Move command in the Actions menu of emails, landing pages, forms, reports, which makes it easy to move these. 

To move lists, smart lists, and smart campaigns, you have to clone them into the new location and delete them or drag and drop them, which can be painful when dragging from a folder at the top of the tree and dropping into a folder at the bottom. 

Please add a Move command in the Actions menu of lists, smart lists and smart campaigns.
Level 2

I would like to be able to move smart lists from the lead database into marketing activities.

Level 10

In fact, it is now possible to move smart campaigns, but smart lists and lists are still left aside.

The painfulness of being able to move smart campaign but not smart lists is just incredible. If you move a SC that is referencing a SL you cannot move, then you will spend 10 minutes recreating the SLs, and updating the SC to refer to the new SC, then deleting the old SC...


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

I feel that since part of this idea has been implemented (ability to move smart campaigns), that Marketo has not forgotten about the necessity to move lists and smart lists. As Greg mentioned, it is tremendously time consuming to have to clone a smart list and then direct all references to the new smart list and then delete the original.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas