Re: What do you think of the new MCE Exam? Any test tips for those taking it at Summit?

Hey there!

From what I've heard, opinions are rather widespread on the new exam. I took it at summit along with the exam prep course, and I was really nervous. But taking the exam prep course helped more than I expected. So if anything, I highly highly highhhly recommend it.

A lot of the questions on the exams are covered in this prep, and it's important to pay close attention to the wording used. Many of the answers provided for some questions could be argued as true, but it's the wording of the question that really set the true answer apart from the possibilities.

There were also 2 questions (reporting ones) that were repeated, which was disappointing. This was supposed to be fixed with the new exam.

As others have mentioned here above, core concepts on a situational basis is the new approach to the exam, but it doesn't make the exam more difficult because the multiple choice answers quickly help you find the true answer through process of elimination. The largest part of the exam 30% are program fundamentals, and I personally though were the easiest to answer. For example (the wording is no where near close, but the idea is what I'm aiming here):

"Your marketing manager asked you to set up a marketo program for a upcoming day summit with an invite to your customers. What kind of program type and channel would you use to create this?"

The exam prep course has practice questions (which are VERY similar to what you'll see back in the exam). Take the course, run through the exam practice questions, and you'll walk away with a great score

Hope it helps!