Go live with Dynamic Chat in just 15mins!

Marketo Employee

Go live with Dynamic Chat in just 15mins!

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Hello Marketo Nation!


As many of you know, Dynamic Chat is a new chat capability we launched in Feb 2022. One of the most common thinking is that even though we are interested to start leveraging chatbots as a new channel in our marketing, learning and getting started with a new tool might be time taking and have a huge learning curve.


Taking on this feedback, we have ensured Dynamic Chat is super simple and easy to get started. Having never accessed the product to going live with your first chat dialogue takes just as much time as a typical coffee break! 


Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started from scratch to go live with your first dialogue in just 15minutes.

Go-live with Dynamic Chat in 15minutes (short video) 


If you do not have Dynamic Chat already, please contact your CSM. Our next batch of provisioning starts next month. Feel free to ask any questions related to Dynamic Chat, chatbot use cases for marketing in the comments or  share them with us at dynamicchat@adobe.com



Other useful links:


Marketo Employee

Re: Go live with Dynamic Chat in just 15mins!

Hey Guys, just curious have any of you tried this?

Level 4

Re: Go live with Dynamic Chat in just 15mins!

Hi @Sreekanth_Reddy ,


I was looking into this feature for one of our instances and when i reached out to our CSM, she thinks we should just enable it and had provided me with the Go live with Dynamic chat in just 15 mins video that you shared. However, i am still not sure if this feature is already provisioned to us. I have reached out to support to check on that. Would appreciate if you could let us know if Dynamic chat is available to all instances now as mentioned previously.




Marketo Employee

Re: Go live with Dynamic Chat in just 15mins!

Hello @Vineela_Maram ! thank you for sharing that. Can you please share your account munchkins with us at dynamicchat@adobe.com . We can prioritize this for you 🙂