We recently updated our Salesforce fields for 'Country' and 'State' from text values to picklists. I assumed both would automatically update in Marketo (like what occurs with our other picklists, i.e 'Lead Source'), but this has not happened. Our Marketo picklists still show the old values and are now creating sync errors with new leads.
Is there a way to manually update the lists in Marketo or do I need to push an update from SFDC?
Any input is appreciated. Thanks!
Following this discussion and hoping someone can chime in with some help.
Gina, I'm having this same issue right now. We added two new values in Salesforce just for contacts but so far I cannot select those two new picklist values in Marketo flows, etc.
How can we sync this?
Allison - if the value is just for Contacts, but you have the Lead & Contact version of the fields 2:1 mapped to a Marketo field, only values common to both Lead & Contact will appear in the Marketo picklists. If you want the values to appear, you'll need to add them to the SFDC Lead field as well.
Hope that helps!
Ok, yes that is helpful. However, doesn't this mean that people will be able to select these values for a lead from SFDC? I don't really want that to be an option as they are values specific only for contacts. Is there a way to officially add to the SFDC lead field for Marketo's sake, but then hide them there so they can't get selected incorrectly in SFDC?
Thank you, Molly!
I’m not sure, but I’d love to find out as well. I’ll ask our SFDC guy and let you know!
That would be awesome!!
Here's what she said: "It can be done, but it's not very straightforward. We'd need to create a new Lead or Contact record.
I also found this SFDC article that may help - field level security would be a lot easier to implement, but I'll leave that judgment call to you based on the field(s) in question, your sales org & SFDC admin https://success.salesforce.com/answers?id=90630000000gmmvAAA
At my org it was for Status - we debated Open vs New picklist value on SFDC Lead when a new name MQL'd and ultimately decided on naming it as Open for exactly this reason. "New" made more sense for a Lead, but would've confused our reps in the context of a Contact who MQL'd.
Good luck!
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Thanks so much, Molly, for checking into this and all for all the good research and info. I appreciate it!