MSI Send to multiple contacts - issues with reporting

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MSI Send to multiple contacts - issues with reporting

I have created an email for event registration in MSI and my reps have been sending it out.

I pulled a list of emails sent and noticed that, for a representative who emailed me to complain about the "No Template" issue, one of the contacts she sent the email to in a 2-person send didn't show up on the list. I went to the second contact's record in SFDC and saw that an interesting moment had been triggered when she opened the email the system says she was never sent.

To pull the smart list showing who was sent the email, I used:

  • Was Sent Email - subject is - selected all 10 that were relevant


  • Was Sent Email - Email is - both the MSI and regular archived version

This gives me 7 names.

If I pull a list showing opens based on people who had an interesting moment of opened email posted, it shows as 12 names. The 12 name list includes both names on the rep's 2 person email.

What am I doing wrong in the sent list smart list? Or is this a Marketo issue?