I'm currently looking into tools for an Account Based Marketing strategy for 2018. I realize that there's not just one solution that will support our ABM strategy. We are still defining our strategy and number of targeted accounts. I'm curious how current Marketo customers are having success w/ABM initiatives (with or without Marketo and their ABM add-on). Looking forward to any insights you have to share.
Hi Michelle,
Well, 3 months later for a response...how's THAT for timing? Anyway, I just saw your question pop up in my Feb Community update and thought I would share some feedback.
Most of our clients who are in the process of adopting/implementing a ABM strategy are focusing around 5 common areas of ABM:
1. Culture
2. Data
3. Process
4. Content
5. Metrics
These are big buckets and are in order of importance. Digital Pi has developed an ABS Recommendations Assessment that may be helpful to you. Btw, we refer to it as "account-based strategy," because we've seen more success when companies acknowledge that marketing is only one aspect of the overall implementation.
In addition to this, Digital Pi is also a member of the Alliance for ABM Success. This is a fairly new organization that brings together many industry experts who will be formulating recommended best practices, providing guidance on technologies that support ABM/ABS and producing research and studies on effectiveness of account-based strategies in organizations around the world. We will be delivering much more information in the coming months and would encourage you and any others seeing this thread to bookmark this site and check back in periodically.
In the meantime, if you have further questions or need help with ABM/ABS, please don't hesitate to shoot me an email (john@digitalpi.com) and I will see what we can do to help.
Hope this was helpful too. 🙂 Happy Friday!
John Muehling
Sr. Director, Client Services
ABS Practice Lead