
Our Community Blogs are a great way for our customers to have a voice. We want you to share your the successes, innovations, experiences, and ideas with your peers to help build your personal brand and heighten your awareness. The Nation is a powerful tool, and it's at your fingertips, don't be afraid to use it! Not all of our blogs are open, some you have to participate and earn status to be able to contribute to ( Blog) while others are open and free for everyone to contribute to ( Blog)! To see a full list of the different blogs Marketo has (both on and off the Community) you can visit our ​ page in ​.

When posting to one of our Community Blogs, here are a few guidelines to remember:

  • Do not duplicate content, meaning do not simply cut and paste content from your personal blog and post it. See "Re-purposed content" below
  • Have a thesis, POV, or CTA
  • Feel free to link to your personal blog if it is relevant to the post
  • Limit external links in your posts, as we aren't trying to drive users off of Community
  • Keep it focused on Women in Business and how it relates to topics like digital marketing, marketing automation, engagement marketing, building teams, workplace equality, and more
  • Do not sell or pitch products...we are monitoring these. Soliciting your personal products or services could result in removal from the blog
  • Share something new and actionable. We want our reader to walk away with the sense that they learned something
  • 400 - 500 words.

Re-purposed content:

  • You are welcome to re-purpose content you already have, as we understand you have day jobs and can't dedicate your life to solely writing new content for Marketo
  • No more than 75% overlap with existing content. In other words, rewrite the content with the Marketo user in mind. Make it unique to the Marketo Community
  • Different headline than original post
  • Again, limit / omit external links. It's recommended you include these as part of your author description if you plan to include them at all


  • This blog is featured on our page, so we are always needing fresh and relevant content there consistently
  • No spamming (don't post more than once a day)


  • Write when you have time, but don't feel like you have to post right away. Store some content up, and come up with your own content calendar
  • Keep an eye on the blog and post when you see it's becoming stale
  • Comment and participate in other customers blogs, your input is valued greatly
  • Pay attention to the what's hot in the industry
  • Pay attention to what our customers are interested in by scanning conversations in ​ &

Ready to post? Find your blog by viewing and get started!

If you have questions, let us know!