Re: Best practices for onboarding new Marketo users

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Best practices for onboarding new Marketo users

Looking for some best practices/hearing others' experiences in onboarding new Marketo users (not necessarily completely brand new to Marketo - just new to our system with limited Marketo expertise).  

We have a quickly growing marketing team with more and more users needing to access Marketo.  Many are at different levels in terms of their Marketo experience, but we want anyone with a certain level of access ll to be trained to do some basic things (e.g., create a simple program, run reports) and on how our system specifically works - e.g., what fields to use, what fields not to use, etc.  

What have you done to help ramp others up in your system?
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Re: Best practices for onboarding new Marketo users

For folks on the marketing team, I'll do a user training and then ask them to create documentation for what I explained. 

Then I'll have them sit with me and they'll drive doing certain tasks, using their documentation as direction.

I'll watch and correct when needed, and they'll adjust their documentation...that way, when they forget a step or two, they've got a document with the entire process written out and organized however they like. As long as it works for them, it works for me!
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Re: Best practices for onboarding new Marketo users

Recently being brand new to the system, I think it's important that the users actually "do" rather than just hear or see.  I went through hours upon hours of training and didn't get a good grasp until I was able to actually create programs, campaigns, etc.