Checklist for Testing an Engagement Program

Not applicable

This checklist can be used when testing an engagement program with emails in the streams (It is not comprehensive for the use case when you have programs within your streams also.)

  • Turn off the program in the Setup tab.
  • Remove the cadence from the streams.
  • Right click on each email used in the nurture and use Send Sample to test the HTML and text versions of each email. Choose an example lead to see what the email would look like with personalized and/or dynamic content for that specific individual but always send to your own email address. Make sure to test the links within each email, including those in headers and footers.
  • Make sure the emails are active in the streams.
  • Use the test stream functionality to mimic a cast to just one specific lead. Repeat this to test that the content in each streams comes in the correct order. Use your own email address
  • Deactivate all of the content.
  • Make sure your add to nurture campaign rules are active, if they are triggered campaigns.
  • Create one test record that meets the qualification criteria for each stream. Use a common email domain for each.
  • Add a filter onto the smart campaign for Email Address and include the email address(es) for all of your test records.
  • Test the positive scenario: Run the campaign(s) that add people to nurture streams. Confirm that each of your test records moves into the right stream.
  • Create one test record that does not meet each of the qualification criteria for each stream. To be thorough, you should only negate one criteria for each record, e.g. if your list criteria excludes people who are unsubscribed and who are located in Canada, create one test record who is unsubscribed but in the US and another who is not unsubscribes but lives in Canada. Use a common email domain for each.
  • Add a filter onto the smart campaign for Email Address and include the email address(es) for all of your test records.
  • Test the negative scenario: Run the campaign(s) that add people to nurture streams. Confirm that each of your test records does not move into the stream.
  • Make sure your stream transition rules are active, if they are triggered campaigns.
  • On one of your positive test records, take an action that will move you to the second stream. Confirm that the person moves into the next stream.
  • Repeat for all streams and all transition rules.
  • On your negative test records, take an action that would move you to the second stream. Confirm that the person does not move into the next stream.
  • Repeat for all streams, all transition rules, and all exclusion criteria.
  • On one of your positive test records, take an action that will pause you from communications. Confirm that the person’s cadence changes to paused.
  • Repeat for all actions that could pause you from communications.
  • On one of your negative test records, take an action that will pause you from communications. Confirm that the person’s cadence and engagement program membership does not change.
  • Repeat for all actions that could pause you from communications.
  • On one of your positive test records, take an action that will unpause you from communications. Confirm that the person’s cadence changes to normal.
  • Repeat for all actions that could unpause you from communications.
  • On one of your negative test records, take an action that will unpause you from communications. Confirm that the person’s cadence and engagement program membership does not change.
  • Repeat for all actions that could unpause you from communications.
  • On one of your positive test records, take an action that will mark you as successful. Confirm that the person’s program status changes.
  • Repeat for all actions that could mark you as successful.
  • On one of your negative test records, take an action that will mark you as successful. Confirm that the person’s program status does not change.
  • Repeat for all actions that could mark you successful.
  • Deactivate smart campaigns.
  • Remove all test records from the nurture streams.
  • Remove the email address filters from the smart campaigns.
  • Run batch smart campaigns to add historical records to the nurture streams. Spot check streams to make sure the right people are in each stream.
  • Once ready to go live: set cadence, activate smart campaigns, and turn the program on.