Re: Automated renewal emails

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Automated renewal emails

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to set up an automated renewal campaign in Marketo. The first email should be sent once a client is six months out from renewal, email two five months, email three four months, and so on. I have renewal date in a SFDC field but can't find the filter option in Marketo. 

Any help is appreciated.
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Re: Automated renewal emails

Not sure if this is the best solution, but you could trigger the campaign off of the date field being changed, then wait 6 months, send email, wait 1 month, send email, wait 1 month, send email. etc.

This of course would require you to also have a method to REMOVE the person from the flow if they had renewed.

A more robust solution likely exists but this is something to get started with
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Re: Automated renewal emails

This also assuming that the initial date is updated when a person renews their contract (to begin the campaign) 
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Re: Automated renewal emails

The best way to do this is with a filter that has a "in future" operator similar to the "in past" operator or can utilize date math.  Unfortunately, that does not exist.  There is an Idea for this Date Math - please vote for it.
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Re: Automated renewal emails

I'd create a field in SFDC that calculates the date to send the first renewal email and sync this field into Marketo.  From there you could run a morning batch program on every lead with a value matching today to begin sending emails until they do something indicating a success.
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Re: Automated renewal emails

It seems like you will be able to accomplish this using the new "Wait Until (+/-) Days" feature--part of the March release:

I haven't actually tested this yet, but I'm trying to accomplish the same thing.  The first step is going to be create a custom date field that would contain Expire Date.  You'll probably run into the same question I did on how you need to format the field:

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Re: Automated renewal emails

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions! I'm looking forward to seeing the "Wait Until..." token -- sounds like it might have potential.