Abandoned Cart Program

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Abandoned Cart Program

We are working on setting up a cart abandonment program in Marketo.

We have a homegrown ecommerce site (so not using a service like Magento).

Does anyone have any experience setting this up? I couldn't find any documentation on it.

As of now, we have two custom objects: Cart Item and Order Item. Cart Item is an item that was added to the cart and order item is an item that was on an order.

The campaigns I have set-up are:

1 – Add to Cart List

  • Added to cart is the trigger
  • Flow adds them to an added to cart list

2 – Add to abandoned cart list

  • Trigger is if they are added to the add to cart list
  • Flow waits 1 day and adds them to an abandoned cart list

3 – Send Email

  • Triggered if they are added to the abandoned cart list

Then I have 3 campaigns setup to remove them from the lists:

  1. Deleted Item – if they delete their cart
  2. Email Sent – if they receive the abandoned cart email
  3.   Purchased – triggered if the date last shop data value changes

Does this look correct? Any advice?

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Level 10

Re: Abandoned Cart Program

Hi Melissa,

This looks quite good. A few ideas to improve the whole:

  • You can improve the flow #2, in order to check after the wait step that the leads still needs to be added to the abandoned cart list. (he/she may have come back in between and completed the purchase or deleted the cart).
  • In the series of 3 smart campaign, you could also use a "remove from flow" flow step in the "deleted item" Smart campaign to remove the lead
  • The SC 3- Send email could just be done as a flow step at the end of the "2-abandonned cart list"

And read this if you have not done so yet: How to Control Order of Operations in Marketo


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Re: Abandoned Cart Program

Thanks Greg!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Abandoned Cart Program

Greg's suggestions are great.

Also, if the lead purchases a different item than the one he/she "abandoned," but not that product, does that impact how you want to interact with them? Should they still get an email in case they want to purchase the original product?

Not applicable

Re: Abandoned Cart Program

We are a little stuck on the deleted item. If they check out, we don't want to send them anything about their deleted item, I think that could get tricky. We have some items that due to manufacturer's requirements, they have to add to the cart to even see the price. 

But, if they delete one item, but still have other items in their cart, we still want to send the email.

Level 10

Re: Abandoned Cart Program

Hi Melissa,

You may also want to consider using some velocity script tokens to populate your emails with information from the Cart Item object.
