Re: What's Your Personality Type?
2- Maybe I should retake it, I do not like spotlight
3- Not sure

Re: What's Your Personality Type?
I took a Myers-Briggs in college, and I was an ENFJ, and now I'm an ESFJ - just barely on the S side rather than N. I feel like that means I'm losing my imagination as I get older - what a bummer! Unfortunately, I think this quiz is fairly accurate, except it said I was less assertive and more turbulent, and I am much more even-keel than that. This quiz makes me think about what the personality types of others on my team are and how I can tailor my communication to them based on those types.
Re: What's Your Personality Type?
1. ISFJ-A The Defender
2. Most of it was very accurate.
3. We use the Predictive Index with all employees at work, and similarly, I think this can be a very helpful tool in learning about yourself in order to grow while also understanding how coworkers are wired so that we can best work together.
Re: What's Your Personality Type?
- Accurate as all get out
- Keeps in mind the details, thinks about the options!
Re: What's Your Personality Type?
Executive ESTJ A
fairly accurate
I think knowledge about personalities and strengths is valuable in the workplace
Re: What's Your Personality Type?
Personality: ENTP-T "The Debater"
Bang On
I think I need to work on few of the suggestions
Re: What's Your Personality Type?
Advocate (INFJ-A)
Not sure yet. Some of it is spot on, but I'm not certain on others. Who knew as an analyst that I was creative!
Re: What's Your Personality Type?
1. Logistician - ISTJ-A.
2. The quiz is pretty accurate!
3. Knowing yourself is the first step to being able to better interact with others!

Re: What's Your Personality Type?
1. ESFP-A The Entertainer
2. At first I disagreed the Entertainer name, but the details of the type are very spot on.
3. Being aware of weaknesses in my personality type will be the key to smoothing these areas of my career, and life, out.
Re: What's Your Personality Type?
- Protagonist (ENFJ-A)
- On Target. I'm practically a motivational poster made flesh.
- My role centers around creating new things and telling our brand's story. Being an optimist-visionary eliminates barriers in the process, helping me put the words on paper faster and easier than if I were more left-brained & logical.
I think.