Re: Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! I'm Dory and I'm the Marketing Automation Specialist for eMarketer in NYC. I'm sort of on maternity leave (will officially be out in about a week), but will be training my new Marketo Champion in no time I love all things purple, but also enjoy cooking/baking, cycling, and making funny faces at my 2 1/2 year old.
Re: Introduce Yourself
Hi all, I'm Joe, and I'm a Marketing Specialist at STANLEY Security (a division of Stanley Black & Decker). I'm primarily a content guy, but I'm a bit of a generalist... My role on our team covers a lot of ground, from managing our website, writing new content, driving Marketo, and occasionally getting my hands dirty with some design work here and there. It's a pretty wide net, but I love the work!
Personally, I'm an avid photographer, cyclist, and dog-owner. On the subject of our hound... Tango completely owns all our time and affections. Could you say no to this face?
Re: Introduce Yourself
My cat Mary says no.
Re: Introduce Yourself
It's testimony to the strength of the Marketo community and the clarion call of #mykrewe that cat people like you and Jennifer DiMaria can yet be friends with dog-lovers like me. Very much looking forward to many more years of Summit shenanigans.
Re: Introduce Yourself
Purple Select Members! My name is Keith Nyberg and I manage our Marketo instance at SugarCRM in Cupertino, CA. I love to snowboard, camp, talk about business, create business concepts and above all else, love getting paid to use the coolest Marketing Automation tool on the market. Happy to network and talk about best practices anytime! Feel free to add me on LinkedIn. Keith Nyberg | LinkedIn

Re: Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone -
My name is Meredith and I am new to the Marketo community. I work as a Campaign Manager over at BloomReach in Mountain View, CA. Previous to this I worked out of an Eloqua instance - needless to say I'm definitely more on team Marketo over team Eloqua.
When I'm not at work, I love to backpack, hike, go to movies, and try new restaurants!

Re: Introduce Yourself
Totally agree with you! I'm definitely team Marketo over Eloqua! I have previously work with Eloqua instance too and Marketo is such a powerful tool to use.

Re: Introduce Yourself
Hey there,
The name is Anthony. I have been in the MA world for a number of years now and have used not only Marketo for a few years but also most others as well. I recently relocated to Austin Texas and I am loving it. If anyone is in the area and wants to talk sho, go ahead and connect with me and we can make things happen.

Re: Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! My name is Meghan and I'm the Marketing Communications Manager for a software company based out of Springfield, MO. Been using Marketo for a little over a year now and I feel like i'm learning something new every day!

Re: Introduce Yourself
Hello! My name is Tabitha and I'm part of the Demand Generation team at Alteryx in Irvine, CA. I've been using Marketo for two years and love finding new ways to use the product from their helpful tools or from all of you!