Hi all,
Has anyone put the "synccustomobjects" API in action?
We are trying to use a custom object called Demande (Demande__c) in SFDC. That custom object can be linked to leads or contacts in SFDC through lookup fields (demande__c.Lead__c and demande
That custom object has been mapped in Marketo and the relations renamed "Demande du Lead" for the Demande__c that are linked to SFDC leads and "Demande du Contact" for the Demande__c that are linked to SFDC contact.
When inserting new demande__c in Marketo, how do we tell Marketo to which Marketo lead this Demande__c should be added? And how will this Demande__c will be passed to SFDC and linked in SFDC to the proper lead or contact?
Thanks for your help,