Re: Skipped "Do Nothing" was set for this choice, XXX leads skipped.

Not applicable

Skipped "Do Nothing" was set for this choice, XXX leads skipped.

Hello - I have been attempting to send an email invite from a webinar program and both times I have received the <Skipped "do nothing" was set for this choice, xxx leads skipped" under the results tab. My smart list status is set to affect around 48,000 existing leads which sounds correct to me. I have looked over my smart list filters and flow triggers but cannot figure out why my campaign is being skipped. I am fairly new to Marketo this is my first campaign but I haven't received an answer from support yet. Our account manager reviewed the campaign and said everything was set-up correctly. Any ideas or suggestions for troubleshooting? 


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Marketo Employee

Re: Skipped "Do Nothing" was set for this choice, XXX leads skipped.

Hi Emily,

Is your Send Email flow step set to target a valid email asset?
Not applicable

Re: Skipped "Do Nothing" was set for this choice, XXX leads skipped.

Yes the email send was drafted and approved if that's what you mean. My flow steps look like this... I want to send the email if they are not already registered and then change the status to invited. 
Marketo Employee

Re: Skipped "Do Nothing" was set for this choice, XXX leads skipped.

Hi Emily,

The 'Program Status' flow step choice looks only at the program status of the parent program, so if leads qualified for the campaign are not in the Registered status of the parent program, then they will be skipped.  It looks like your conditions are interdependent, so you may want to remove the choices altogether and just move the program status check to the Smart List with Member of Program True, Program is <my program>, Program Status is <status>.
Not applicable

Re: Skipped "Do Nothing" was set for this choice, XXX leads skipped.

OK so if I understand you correctly, you are saying to remove the "if program status is not registered" choice under flow, and instead use that as a smart list filter?
Level 4

Re: Skipped "Do Nothing" was set for this choice, XXX leads skipped.

Yes, you understand it correctly  πŸ™‚