Re: Setting Up Your Instance

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Setting Up Your Instance

We have Campaign Folders setup as 'Programs 2011', 'Programs 2012', etc with webinars, emails, tradeshows, etc underneath each for the respective year. Is this how everyone is setting things up? I feel like the main campaign folders should be Webinars - with all the webinars, and Tradeshows - with all the tradeshows. I have no idea how this impacts reporting though - if at all. 

How are you organizing things? 
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Re: Setting Up Your Instance

Your organisational structure won't impact reporting (maybe RCA, but not MLA), only your program names will impact reporting.

We aren't doing it the way you are.. We're international, so our top level folders are business units, from there we break down into webinars, events, assets, etc.. Then within them are other potential folders, most commonly a "completed" folder.
Level 10

Re: Setting Up Your Instance

I set our campaign folders by department, then I break it down inside by product, then by year. I also do something similar to what Adam does above where I label it completed.
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Re: Setting Up Your Instance

As Adam said, this won't impact your reporting.  

Main advantage of organizing first by year is easy archival by date.  We typically review, retire, and archive programs older than four quarters, so organizing by quarters helps as well.