Re: Sales vs Contact vs Account Owner

Level 2

Sales vs Contact vs Account Owner

I've asked related questions before, but I'm still confused.

In my Field Database, I have:

Sales Owner

Contact Owner

Account Owner

However, if I try to use tokens to send emails from various owners, the only token I have is Lead Owner.  What does the Lead Owner equate to, Sales, Contact, or Account?

If I use the Change Owner flow step, which "owner" type does it change?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Sales vs Contact vs Account Owner

Rachel, please move the thread to Products‌. Move link will be at the right. "About" isn't a support space.

Level 2

Re: Sales vs Contact vs Account Owner

Thanks for that guidance. I wasn't sure where to put it.

Level 5

Re: Sales vs Contact vs Account Owner

Lead owner = sales owner. SFDC Sync: Lead/Account Owner Sync - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation  

Contact owner I don't believe is a standard field so you'll want to check your field mapping to see how that is setup and synced. 

Change Owner flow step changes the sales owner because account info sync is one way from SF to Marketo.