Re: PPC Keywords, Matchtype and Revenue Amounts in Reporting

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PPC Keywords, Matchtype and Revenue Amounts in Reporting

So, here's the situation.

I run a consumer PPC account that generates thousands of leads per day. In the past, we've been shuttling those leads through Adobe's Omniture suite for end-to-end reporting. It gives us visibility to see keywords, matchtype and revenue associated with those keywords as they pass through our landing pages (which are currently housed in a homegrown CRM system).

Unfortunately, the product we've been using with Adobe is going away and I'm pulling out all of our landing pages from the homegrown CRM as they are built on a 7-year-old platform and don't allow me to make any changes to them. Honestly, it's a major issue.

I'm currently sending a couple of our PPC campaigns through Marketo to test reporting and lead delivery. Lead delivery works great. I'm able to send a lead to the CRM and the CRM passes back revenue data into each opportunity associated with the lead. Also, as the lead comes through, I'm able to capture source (google), campaign (ad group), keyword (whatever the keyword is) and matchtype (phrase match, exact match, broad match, etc.). All works great.

What I now want to do associate the revenue in an opportunity to the fields mentioned above (source, campaign, keyword, matchtype, etc.). There doesn't seem to be an easy way to do this. I can assoicate one field at a time with revenue producing opportunities through a lead performance report and a drill down, but I can't associate all of them together at the same time. Without that association, I'm unable to know which keywords are producing the most revenue.

Further, I've put together a report in the Lead Database that allows me to see everything clumped together (lead source, keyword, matchtype, ad group) but I'm only able to see the total opportunity amount for a lead record rather than the individual opportunities associated with that lead record. Obviously, that kind of overall opportunity amount will skew my data as I look to see what keywords are producing what revenue.

Does anyone have any direction here or something that they've done in the past that they might be able to share? Any help is appreciated.
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: PPC Keywords, Matchtype and Revenue Amounts in Reporting


Marketo can only see opps that have Contact Roles, so if I have ANY # of opps on a lead, it will show up, even if that Opp isn't directly associated with that Program.

RCE can help you more clearly associate Opps to touches, so can Opportunity Analyzer. Are you using SFDC Campaign Influence?

Can you add some of those fields to the Opp as well? You would have to report on this in SFDC.
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Re: PPC Keywords, Matchtype and Revenue Amounts in Reporting

Hey Josh,

Thanks for the reply. Sadly, we don't have SFDC (we use a homegrown CRM solution) so we're kind of out of luck at the moment for using some of the more robust tools that SFDC has to offer.

I did think about adding some custom fields to the opportunity module within Marketo, but if we do that, does the form submission allow us to write to custom opportunity fields? I didn't think that we were able to do that from the form submission, but maybe I'm missing something. Wouldn't be the first time.

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Re: PPC Keywords, Matchtype and Revenue Amounts in Reporting

Hey Andrew,

I'm in the process of accomplishing the same thing that you're looking to do for PPC data as it relates to:

I'm able to capture source (google), campaign (ad group), keyword (whatever the keyword is) and matchtype (phrase match, exact match, broad match, etc.). All works great.

You're looking to capture Revenue now but I'm only just getting started. We don't have source, keyword, campaign, match type level information getting captured at the moment. I'm guessing that Adwords cookie data is able to pass information into hidden fields of the forms on your landing pages and from there you're able to sync it to the CRM. Could you confirm that or highlight another approach that may be working for you. 

A couple of specific questions I have:
1. Are you useing URL paramters to capture the campaign, keyword, etc information or do you use a particular cookie?
2. Are you using Marketo landing pages or your own custom html with a form embed or both for your ppc campaigns?

I found another discussion/guide that lists Munchkin and Marketo Javascript to be implemented in addition to the Adwords script and conversion codes. We do not use Salesforce either so SFGA might not be needed.

Could you please look over this and let me know if this information describes what I need to get done to get this working?

Here's my discussion thread, if you'd like to comment:

Thanks in advance!
