Not able to Integrate Marketo with Segment - Segment creating duplicate leads

Level 2

Not able to Integrate Marketo with Segment - Segment creating duplicate leads

We have been trying to integrate Segment with Marketo. However, while doing the testing, we found that Segment is creating duplicate leads in Marketo. One with Anonymous ID and blank email address, the other with an email address and the same anonymous ID. Sharing the lead journey for this use case.

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Not able to Integrate Marketo with Segment - Segment creating duplicate leads

Have you checked with Segment regarding this? I was looking at their documentation regarding Marketo integration, and they recommend giving the full Admin API permission for the API user, which definitely sets off an alarm in my head. Ideally, per the best practice, you should be following the principle of least privilege while creating any user (API/non-API) in your instance. Coming back to your question, I think it'd make sense to check the endpoint and the configuration (parameters, request body, lookup field, etc.) they're using for creating people in Marketo because ideally, the integration should not be creating duplicate records. I'll also let other community members weigh in re this if they have encountered this issue while working with Marketo and Segment.