I have a custom field in Salesforce and a smart campaign in Marketo that is meant to update the field with the name of the webform that the person filled out. In Marketo, it looks like it has updated the field, but in Salesforce, the field is still empty.
My campaign smart list is anyone who fills out the form and my flow is Change Data Value of SF field to the name of the form.
Does anyone have any thoughts on what i'm doing wrong?
Ensure that the SFDC API user is allowed to update this field, and that there aren't workflows/processes/Apex triggers getting in the way.
thanks for the suggestion, but I checked and the field is editable by the API user and there are no workflows, etc . . . still stumped.
You've compared to other fields and this is the only field that's getting updated in Mkto but not resulting in an update to SFDC? What does the Activity Log show?
Hi @bperkins , please raise a support ticket and someone in the Support team should be able to help.
Can SFDC see the field? If it is updating it in Marketo the API between the two systems must not be linked. Are all of your other fields working?
As everyone is suggesting here that your SFDC sync might not be working due to access issues or field-level security issues.
You can go to the Lead Database and search for the person. Then, got to Person Actions > Salesforce > Sync Person to Salesforce
Then, check the result of that Sync and look for any error or success. This should be able to help you determine the problem.