Landing page for monthly email newsletter

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Landing page for monthly email newsletter

We have a monthly email newsletter that we send out. We want to make these available as a landing page on our site. Anyone know if there is there a quick and easy way to turn this email into a landing page? I know there is a "View email as a web page" link at the top of the email, but for some reason I think that is something only for the email recipient and not a url I can use as an internal landing page. Is this correct? Any ideas?
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Re: Landing page for monthly email newsletter

You can view the source code of the page that is displayed when you click the "View email as a web page" link, copy the portion of the source code you want and paste it into a Marketo landing page.  You could base the landing on a  blank template if you don't want any navigation, footers, etc. or if you want navigation, etc., use a formatted template and paste the source into the appropriate <div>.
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Re: Landing page for monthly email newsletter

Just to follow on, you're correct in that using the view as web page link isn't a good idea as something to share more generically.
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Re: Landing page for monthly email newsletter

Thank you. That worked & was quick & easy.
Level 10

Re: Landing page for monthly email newsletter

Another way is to download the HTML under Email Actions, and paste it on your webpage.  Just delete maybe a snippet that has your unsubscribe or contact information.