Re: Do you use Lead Lander in addition to Marketo and MSI?

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Do you use Lead Lander in addition to Marketo and MSI?

I was recently asked to evaluate Lead Lander and the functionality looks very similar to what Marketo and MSI provide. My sales and MDR teams use MSI and receive website traffic reports from Marketo daily. What advantage does adding Lead Lander to the mix bring? Thanks!
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Re: Do you use Lead Lander in addition to Marketo and MSI?

I've used both. I don't think there is much of an advantage of having lead lander except for the fact that you can simplify the alert management. Been atleast 2 years since I used it last so there could be new functionality. 
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Re: Do you use Lead Lander in addition to Marketo and MSI?

I used lead lander for a few months before Marketo (going back like 4 years at this point). It is basically the least powerful features of Marketo, minus the emails and such.