Do you put "Email Sent" in your interesting moments for any campaigns, such as email nurture campaigns.

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Do you put "Email Sent" in your interesting moments for any campaigns, such as email nurture campaigns.

Do you put "Email Sent" in your interesting moments for any campaigns, such as email nurture campaigns. Our sales team has mentioned that having to click on "Emails" under salesinsight is one extra step they wish not to have. Thoughts?

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Re: Do you put "Email Sent" in your interesting moments for any campaigns, such as email nurture campaigns.

Hey Ron,

We have done this in the past, except we set up the Interesting Moment for when they are delivered the email. We didn't care too much if they were sent one, but never saw it.

We have moved away from this because there is not much value unless you start creating interesting moments for when they open and/or cllick. And if you take that route, your Interesting Moments can get quite long and muttled. Also, if they want to see the Content that was sent, they would still need to go to the Email tab.

Have you considered creating a completed task for when emails are sent/delivered? I know some organizations are very particular about what they put in the tasks, though.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Do you put "Email Sent" in your interesting moments for any campaigns, such as email nurture campaigns.

This is entirely up to you and sales. If this is useful info to them, then put it in there.

Usually I only put that in as a SFDC Campaign Status (if a Program) or Opens or Clicks, which indicate engagement. But sometimes Sales wants to make sure they know which communications the person received so they don't look dumb when they're on the phone.

I'd avoid use the automatic task insertion " Email Sent" because it's not as helpful and creates a lot of API calls.

Personally, I find Email Sent unhelpful. I want to see engagement.