Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Juli James

Level 10

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Juli James

I hope it is of some use to you Cayce.  I can help with any testimonials/examples of documentation if you this it'll help them understand the importance of these tips

Level 9

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Juli James

YASS! Document everything and have it accessible to all! Great tips!

Level 10

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Juli James

Hi Autumn,

Thanks for the feedback.  Its very hard to get into the specifics in that short period of time, but each one of these tips is based on my experience working with Marketo.

Just a couple of expansions on what I want to get across:

  • Program statuses are needed to be set up correctly in Marketo along with alignment with sales to ensure that you know the stages that your leads will go through in each type of campaign and what is classes as a success to then help with lead scoring and passing on properly qualified leads to sales.
  • Email templates in Marketo have to be coded correctly to work on all platforms and devices.  If they're not coded in the way that Marketo needs it then it won't send the emails in the correct format.

I hope this goes into a little more details about how these were Marketo specific?

Please feel free to reach out with any more questions and feedback.


Level 4

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Juli James

Thanks Juli James​! If you had a sample of how you document your Marketo best practices, I'd love to see it.

Cayce Armstrong
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Juli James

Sage advice!

Level 5

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Juli James

Alignment is so critical but one of the biggest challenges our organization faces. It's a work in progress for us and slowly getting better. Thanks for the tips!

Level 4

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Juli James


Eitan Rapps
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Juli James

Love the point about documenting what you're doing! So often we're asked to move so fast that documentation falls to the wayside, but it is incredibly important. That's my fave tip

Level 4

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Juli James

Good tips! Especially the marketing/sales alignment. Too many people forget about that when they start out with Marketo.

Level 2

Re: Champion Tips and Tricks with Juli James

Agree with almost everyone's feedback!