We have a custom CRM integration and are not using the SFDC CRM. I'd like to still send out Sales Alerts to the sales team when a lead takes an action in a program.
Sales Owner and Account Owner are not the field we use - instead we have a custom field integrated with our CRM. Is it still possible to send a sales alert to them?
Reference in Product Docs: Send Alert - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
Maybe but it would be a little more work. you could always created the send alert and create options, then based on the criteria you can use specific email addresses. For example :
If custom field is blah
send alert to: none
CC: email address
send alert to: none
CC: email address
and you can add more if statements in between to cover all your team.
You don't need choices. An alert that's sent via trigger SC can use tokens in the "Send Other" textbox.
If it is a custom field would you still be able to use the Marketo token? If it is great, it would be faster to do that.
Sure, tokens are supported as long it's a trigger (not batch).
Thanks for your help! I'll put this into action today.
Thanks for the info Sanford!