It's well-known that Marketo's pURL feature, out-of-the-box, has a fatal (and kinda fascinating) shortcoming. If someone has visited your site before — meaning either an anonymous or associated Munchkin session— then pURL-enabled...
Continuing Murta Manzur's blog post: Single Page Application Web Tracking with Munchkin, here is how you can also use the RTP tracking code on single page applications.A Single Page Application is a website that loads all of the r...
This post will address how you can display progressive web campaigns (with Web Personalization (RTP)), by changing the campaign based on the web visitor's previous visit and what they viewed. It's like nurturing for a web visitor,...
This post shows how to locate the Web Campaign ID. The Campaign ID is usually used for Javascript API use cases.In the Web Personalization (RTP) app, Go to Web Campaigns, hover over the Campaign Name to locate the Campaign ID in b...